We are all sure that problems with criminal cases will never affect us, however, sometimes trouble comes from where you don’t expect it. A person associated with any profession in one way or another can be held criminally liable.

Improper handling of a case can have serious consequences, so it is advised to take care of having a good criminal defense specialist as soon as possible.


  • Consultation of a lawyer in criminal cases;
  • assistance in drawing up the necessary procedural documents;
  • representation of the client in court;
  • collection of evidence in the case;
  • legal assistance in pre-trial investigation;
  • appeal against the definitions of the investigating judge, investigator, prosecutor;
  • protection of the suspect or accused at the preliminary investigation;
  • development of a favorable legal position for the client;
  • representation of the interests of the witness;
  • protection of the interests of the client in pre-trial proceedings;
  • appeal against illegal actions (inaction) of law enforcement agencies;
  • legal assistance before the investigative inspection;
  • representation of the client in the courts of all instances;
  • accompaniment in conversations with law enforcement agencies;
  • services of the lawyer in criminal cases in Kiev;
  • representation of the client in the court of appeal;
  • legal assistance to the client in the conduct of inspections by law enforcement agencies;
  • legal support of interrogations.

You can write to us for a preliminary consultation, or you can be provided with legal advice on criminal cases in Kiev.

Any criminal case requires a qualified criminal defense lawyer. Our legal association «A-ADVOCATE» provides just such qualified workers.