It should be noted that the cost of services and the procedure for their payment are an essential condition of any transaction and legal relations arising in the course of legal services.

Our company’s pricing policy includes such criteria as:

  • the complexity of the case and the prospect of its successful completion;
  • time required to implement the developed strategy, as well as to execute each of its stages;
  • risk assessment, as well as the total number of services (we provide a discount for ordering several services).

Relying on the above factors, as well as individual wishes of the client, we use the following approaches to determine the cost of services and the order of their payment.

Fixed fee

It is used when solving typical legal tasks, such as performing a certain action or drafting a specific document. The price for such services corresponds to the generally accepted for the legal services market.

Under this approach, the client needs to pay 70% of the cost of the service before the service is initiated, with the remaining 30% paid by the client upon completion of the transaction.

Hourly rate

Here we are talking about cases when it is impossible to initially determine the scope of work. In this case, the cost of work of our lawyers determines the complexity of the case and his qualifications. In this case, the lawyer receives a fair payment for the time spent, and the client in turn avoids the risk of overpayment. The basis for payment to the lawyer is a report on the time used and a corresponding invoice for payment of services.

Honorary of success

A Success Fee is a negotiated and agreed remuneration of the lawyer, which he receives in case of a favorable outcome of the case for the client. When using this approach, an important condition is that the cost of the service, which is paid until a positive outcome of the case is obtained, is lower than in the case of a “Fixed Fee”, and in case of a negative outcome of the case for the client, his costs become significantly lower.

Subscription legal service

Subscription legal service is the provision of legal services on an ongoing basis to resolve legal issues arising in the course of the client’s activities. According to this approach, the client pays a monthly fee for legal support regardless of the complexity of the case and the amount of time spent. The minimum term of such an agreement is 1 year, which allows the client to optimally plan the budget for legal assistance.