Administrative cases are disputes that arise between private individuals and the executive branch of government.

This aspect is one of the most difficult for individuals themselves, as proceedings with the administrative authority often seems to a person useless. However, the legal association «A-ADVOKAT» will help you to dispel this myth.

Our company is an association of qualified specialists in the field of law. The team of professionals is attentive to each case to be solved and never gives up in the face of difficult tasks.

You can turn to us if you need legal advice on administrative cases. Also at us everyone can hire a lawyer on administrative cases in Kiev.

Our law firm’s range of services:

  • Carrying out consultations related to issues of administrative responsibility;
  • representation of our clients in proceedings in courts of all instances;
  • assistance in drafting procedural documents on the case of administrative violations;
  • protection of the rights of persons held liable for violation of traffic rules;
  • legal assistance in the compensation of damages received in consequence of a traffic accident;
  • legal advice in traffic accidents;
  • resolution of administrative disputes and work with insurance companies;
  • analysis of actions and documents of the authorities and local government;
  • drawing up a full package of necessary procedural documents;
  • appealing against decisions on the collection of mandatory payments and the application of financial sanctions;
  • recognition of regulatory legal acts, or acts of individual action invalid;
  • cancellation of decisions of local authorities;
  • recognition of illegal actions (inaction) of public authorities.